Quarter Steer – Deposit – $500


Generally Includes 4-6 New York Strip Steaks, 4-6 Rib Steaks, 4-6 Filet Mignon, 4-6 Sirloin Steaks, 4-6 Sirloin Tip Steaks, 2 Chuck Roasts, 2-4 of Arm, Top or Bottom Round, or Eye or Round Roasts, 1 Half Brisket, 1 Half Flank Steak, 1 Skirt Steak, 2-3 Cube Steaks, Stew Meat. (Every cow is different and the meats can vary, If one section of meat is laking, we’ll generally make up for it by adding more a different kind of meat) About 30%-35% Steaks, 30%-35% Roasts and Misc. Cuts, 35%-40% Ground Beef including pre-made burger patties.

More details coming soon

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