About Us

Family-owned and operated company that sells variety of farm goods


Years Of Experience

Over the years, we’ve been raising home grown animals for the superior beef they produce. And that’s why our cattle are fed on the pastures of our own farm nurtured by traditional farming methods for a rich organic environment.

The Family Business

For years, our family has stayed together in growing this business to deliver the best out there. Our pursuit in producing top quality products never ends in compromises. Along with our great employees, we have one goal; to raise beef that’s 100% grass fed through traditional and authentic methods while doing right to our animals and our land. This mission is to provide you, our customer, and the people around us with the most healthy and tasty beef that links to a perfect meal.

From Farm To Table

We have a profound understanding of our customers’ health and that’s why we believe in the farm to table movement. It promises a nutritious meal from locally produced farms. The beef that you buy from us have spent their entire lives in our farms. And we have the finest ingredients in there – grass and clean water. We raise our cattle on pastures that are cultivated by traditional farming methods. But most importantly, our cattle are not treated with antibiotics and hormones. The result is 100% organic beef that’s free from chemicals and pesticides.
well established and here for you

The Team

Brian Wang


Brian Wang

Why does a duck have tail feathers? To cover its butt quack!

Joshua Usner


Joshua Usner

Chick-fil-a is holy ground.

Joel Usner

Tech Support

Joel Usner

Specializes in anything from website building to photography, email lists, and marketing.

Jeff Usner

CCO - Chief Cattle Officer

Jeff Usner

Chief Cattle Officer, seasoned farmer, and visionary leads the charge in providing you with the finest, ethically raised beef.

Big Mo

Big Mo

Plenty of steak here...
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